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Publish Date : 11:00 - 2024/3/9
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Dr. Ali Es-haghi, the Director-General of Razi Institute, elaborated on the objectives of his recent trip to Iraq, highlighting the efforts of the Razi Institute's experts in venom extraction from local snake species. Dr. Es-haghi emphasized Razi Institute's distinguished status as the oldest center in the Middle East dedicated to producing anti-venom for venomous animals like snakes and scorpions, drawing upon almost 70 years of expertise and innovation. This pioneering work has resulted in the creation of top-tier specialized antisera and anti-venoms that annually save the lives of nearly 14,000 individuals in Iran.

He highlighted that Iraq, being a friendly neighboring nation, harbors a diverse range of venomous animals, with snake and scorpion bites historically posing a significant threat to Iraqi residents. However, the therapeutic serums sourced from abroad and administered to locals have not proven to be a perfect match for the venom of indigenous venomous animals, leading to unfortunate casualties. Following extensive negotiations, it was agreed that Razi Institute experts would collaborate to address this issue by targeting dangerous venomous species in Iraq, like the Saw-Scaled Viper, which currently lacks a native anti-venom solution. The experts from Razi Institute will undertake the hunting of these snakes and leverage their technical expertise to develop a tailored anti-venom, drawing upon the knowledge and skills of the institute's researchers and scientists.

He emphasized that the Razi Institute consistently upholds its humanitarian and professional responsibility to protect lives across the globe, showcasing unwavering commitment, solidarity, and diligence in safeguarding human life without discrimination based on color, race, or nationality. This principle is deeply embedded in Iran's cherished culture and resonates with the extensive capacities and competencies of the Razi Institute, nurturing greater goodwill and collaboration among the populations and governments of the countries involved.

As per the report, Ali Es-haghi schedule during his visit to Iraq comprised meetings with Dr. Hani, the former Minister of Health in Iraq, as well as the technical deputy and interim Minister of Health of the country. He engaged in negotiations with the Director General of Licensing at the Iraqi Ministry of Health to facilitate the export of snake anti-venoms, toured agricultural expos, livestock, and poultry facilities, and inspected the Clean Room and packaging department at the Razi Institute's local office to identify and rectify any operational shortcomings and challenges at the site.

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